It was a busy weekend to say the least. It was, however, successful house-wise. We have a working, installed dishwasher, 29 more inches of countertop, a backspash with less gaping behind, and a new faucet installed! I haven't had time to take real pictures yet since we've been running around nonstop since the countertop people left.... so as a preview, I'll show you the (not the best quality) picture I took with my phone just after they completed it.
Remember, this is where it started:
The new end panel is currently unfinished- we plan to paint or refinish the cabinets (potentially replacing the uppers) come spring, so spending the money on a finished end panel wasn't a priority. I obviously also need to attach the handle to the front of the dishwasher, but am missing a screw (thanks Sears). Even so, yay dishwasher!