I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I navigate through the business of flipping houses one house at a time!! If you’re new here (Hello!!!) or just enjoy walking down memory lane, you can see my 7 previous flip houses here. Thanks for coming along for the ride as I jump into flip #8!!! Check out previous posts about this house here and follow along on my insta-stories for more behind the scenes goodness! This post may contain affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.
Cole is LISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm just going to tease you this week because we still have a few little details that need buttoning up before I take my final "after" pics to show you. I do have some pics that I used for the listing that I'll be sharing today, though.
First of all, I don't want to spoil the "after" by posting the real estate listing, so if you're interested in a fully remodeled, bright and open antique home in Natick, MA, please reach out to Hubby/the listing agent: Brian Goodman, Realtor. Some quick stats about the house: 900sf totally maximized, 1.5 bath, 2 bedrooms, forced hot air with a new, efficient furnace, AC, with over 1/4 acre lot just over a mile from the commuter rail to Boston and 1/4 mile to rt 9. Open houses this weekend: Saturday 11/10, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM, and Sunday 11/11, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM.

Phew. I spend most of my week running around taking care of finishing touches- light bulbs, missing cabinet hardware, mulch, staging.... I also got my hands dirty (literally) for the first time on this house and helped Handy Dad install a fence to hide the new propane tanks that I showed you last week. Considering that's the side you see when you drive up, the propane was pretty unsightly. Now, all you see is yard!

My contractor, George, really pulled it out this week. There was lots of hustle that was greatly appreciated! He was even over first thing this morning getting the new shutters up for the open houses this weekend. I haven't seen them up yet, but I'm sure it's a breath of fresh air for the front of this house! There's still a small list of outstanding items, such as closet poles, but I think the almost 12' of closet in the master will do a pretty good job selling itself.

As always, the end of flips and listing is always the most nerve wracking for me. Things are a bit out of my control by this point. I can't control how many people are interested in the home. I can't control how many people come to the open. By this point, I've done all I can to make someone fall in love and now I need to let it play out. I'm going to be crossing my fingers hard this weekend! The first floor is what I'm thinking will really sell it. Mostly open concept with plenty of space for living and entertaining. You won't get this in most older homes, let alone smaller old homes. This beats any of those silly unlivable tiny homes any day (in my opinion.... I could never live in one!)

I'm so relieved this house is ready to be sold! It definitely took self control to hand it over to my contractor- especially not having as much control over subs and budget as I have in the past, but I think the result is pretty darn good! Just think, if you came and put an offer in on this house this weekend, you could be all moved in by Christmas!! Message me or hubby for more info about the listing and next week I'll be sharing the full before and after reveals!!
Have an amazing weekend!