Cursed Cabinet

Ah, the post-time change slump.  I've said it before and I will say it again... every single year.  I am solar powered.  Once I start running out of daylight at 4:30, my energy and motivation go with it.  Lately I can find motivation in the flip, but non-flip DIYs seem to be on hold and my pretty new sofa and this sweater have been acting like magnets.  My apologies if I'm getting a little one note here.  You can tell me.  I can take it.  Anyway.... Do you ever get an idea stuck in your head?

Yeah, me neither.  Have a great week!



Ha!  Yeah right.  We all know by now that stuck idea syndrome is an affliction I often have and this time it's about finding the perfect small glass cabinet to use for staging over at Millie.  While the house is nowhere near the staging stage, I've been trying to keep my eyes open for vintage pieces that could be a great fit.

This cabinet has been haunting me.  Literally.


This specific craigslist cabinet is missed opportunity #2.  The first was pretty much exactly the same cabinet on sale for $50.  I fell in love with the waterfall edges on the top and can just see it in the new master bath holding fancy towels and toiletries much like this dreamy bathroom by H2 Design + Build that I came across on Pinterest.


While I e-mailed the seller promptly and asked for dimensions, my follow-up response saying that I wanted it was a mere 1/2 hour too late.  Whomp whomp.

Minutes after that one escaped my grasp, instagram taunted me with it's twin styled up with linens that were on sale.  I can't for the life of me remember who's instagram it was and it was about a month ago, swallowed into the instagram abyss, so I'll just live with the taunting memory.

Returning to missed opportunity #2- the wound is still fresh.


I noticed this exact elusive cabinet (image from the listing) listed for FREE on the curb.  I didn't see the listing until about 10pm last night, but I e-mailed to see if it was still there, assumed it wasn't, forgot about it, and went to bed.  This morning I woke up to 2 things.  Driving rain and an e-mail from last night stating that the cabinet was still hanging out on the curb.  Wet.  Ruined. (presumably) I will mourn it's loss.

At this point, I figure it's one of 2 things.  A. either I'm not meant to own this cabinet or B. when I do find the right one it'll be all the more sweet.

I'm thinking more A at this point.  I mean, how many of these cabinets living in Eastern Mass are bound to get listed on craigslist in the exact timeframe when I'm hunting for one?  Maybe I will find that unicorn.  And maybe I'll win the lottery.

And maybe I should just avoid dreary, rainy Monday mornings following a night of sleep disturbed by nagging feelings that something is off with the flip kitchen.  On the bright side, Thanksgiving is this week and I welcome the family, food, and forced day off.  Bring on the turkey leg!