Do you know Brimfield?

When I started telling friends that I was taking a day off from the 9to5 to go to Brimfield, I started getting odd looks.  Doesn't everyone know what Brimfield is??  I grew up with my parents going just about every year.  Apparently the dresser in my childhood bedroom was a Brimfield find (just learned that this week though).  My first Brimfield was just a few years ago in '09. Still wondering what Brimfield is?  It's antiquing overload.  It's the largest outdoor antiques show in the country and happens for 5 glorious days 3 times a year (May, July, & Sept) in Brimfield, Mass.  I went with the parents this time and will probably go again with a friend in July.  None of us spent much money- Handy dad was the big spender @ $25 scoring a beautiful chair and a vintage Schick shoe shine kit (the kicker is he works at Schick).  Mom scored a piece of iron fence for her garden for $22, and I left with tons and tons of ideas and a $7 vintage candy dish.

Its impossible to describe to you the wonder that is a mile of antiques from thousands of dealers unless you are there.  I'll give it a shot with this short pictorial of Brimfield May 2011.  Enjoy!

Have I inspired you to check out Brimfield next time around?