Fast Fix: Drab to Fab

This side table before and after is WAY overdue.  It's actually a project from this summer when I went to NYC to help my sister-in-law furnish her apartment, but I was so excited about outcome that I forgot to take an "after" shot and had to wait until I went back to visit last weekend (bad blogger!). The cute little hand-me-down side table started out pretty ho-hum.

table before

It had a great shape and solid construction, so I knew it could be something special.  With a quart of "oops paint" from Home Depot for a whole $2 and spray paint I already had, this may be one of the most fabulous $2 make-overs you'll ever see.

table painted

After 2 coats of our blue-gray "oops" paint, it was time to make it shine.  Literally.  The shelf was just held in with a few screws, so I removed it and taped off the legs using painters tape and plastic bags.

gold leg paint

Then I went spray-happy in an NYC alley way.  I'm a rebel like that.  I think gold spray paint is slowly becoming one of my favorite tools.  I might start spraying things just for fun.  You've been warned.  Don't be surprised if you see a sprayed gold kitten or Hubby in the near future.

May I remind you that it only cost TWO DOLLARS!  The finished result makes me completely giddy.  I wish all my projects were this easy!

side table after

Ain't she pretty?
