Happy Chic

I had some great pictures to show you today (treasure hunting was good to me this weekend), then I left my camera at Clark yesterday with the pictures still on it.  Oh well, I guess I know what I'm posting here Wednesday! With this flip, people keep asking me "how do you know how to do all this stuff?"  Wanna know a secret?

I don't.

But I figure it out or make it up.  That's why I absolutely loved this quote when I came across it on Pinterest.

passionatel curious

In other news, did you know that Jonathan Adler now has a budget line for J C Penney??  I've swooned over his collections for a while, but that's all that my wallet would let me do.  Like the amazing non-budget-friendly vignette below.  I think I could die happy with that light in my dining room.  It's only $395.  Very reasonable considering.....


But now my wallet can be happy too!  I still won't be getting that light (sadface), but I have my choice of amazingly budget-friendly Jonathan Adler "Happy Chic" pieces.

jadler background_living

My office might need these curtains.  It might need to happen in the near future too.

jadler curtains

This lamp is kind of amazing.  If my nephew didn't already have an awesome lamp, I'd require this in his room.

jadler lamp

But, thanks to my darling sister, and my impending 29th birthday tomorrow (yes, actual 29th birthday), I am now the proud owner of these Jonathan Adler book ends!

book ends

I was originally thinking my office would be their permanent home, but I'm rethinking it.  The white looks so good in the dining room!

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