blogging journey

Call for Collaboration

As I mentioned last week, I attended the online blog conference, Alt for Everyone, and now I'm super pumped, motivated, and excited about what I have in store for this blog!  After 7 online classes, 1 virtual meet-up, and an inspiring keynote speech, I couldn't help but end the experience super inspired. Speaking of inspiration, I also recently came across Jess Lively's podcast the Lively Show and I've fallen hard.  First podcast I've ever subscribed to and it has become an awesome way to keep my brain busy while my body paints the seemingly endless pile of doors in the latest flip.  The topics are so varied- blogging, entrepreneur, continuing education, motherhood, etc- that I'm sure everyone could get something out of it!

What does this all mean for this blog?  Inspiration leads to more creative juices flowing and awesome new features planned in the coming months!

The first new feature that you'll see (in a couple weeks) will be "Welcome Home," a house crashing series that will be featured monthly (similar to this past post).  And I need YOUR help!

Hydrangea and vintage bottle mantle style

If you're in the Boston area, are proud of your house and wouldn't mind me stopping by for a little photo shoot, shoot me an e-mail!

I have several other ideas for new features as well, that are still being developed.  I would love love LOVE to collaborate with other bloggers, photographers, creatives and small business owners to come up with some really dynamic features.

Last but not least, I'm opening up my blog to sponsors!  I'll have standard size ads available (250x250) as well as mini ads (120x120) that would be ideal for your etsy shop or to promote your own blog.  I'll be offering ad discounts through August, so contact me for more info.

If you're interested in being part of "Welcome Home," collaborating, sponsoring, or seeing your ad in my sidebar, e-mail me @

I hope you're as excited as I am for things to come!