Frankie: Week 8

I hope you enjoy these weekly updates as I learn to navigate through the business of flipping houses.  Check out other posts about Frankie the Fliphouse HERE. Merry belated Christmas!  I hope it was everything you were hoping for and more!

With Christmas smack in the middle of the week, Week 8 was understandably not excessively productive for Frankie the Fliphouse.  It was rather productive for my kitchen with holiday baking, though (not all successful as you may have seen on instagram...)


Tonight I'll be attempting to make nut-free, gluten-free macaroons for another holiday party.  Keep your fingers crossed, I hope they taste good! (the macaroons, not your fingers...)

Anyway, back to Frankie...

The tiling is complete throughout the house.  Wahoo!!  The kitchen floor (which you saw last week) now has baseboards and wood transitions into all the rooms.


The kitchen ceiling also started to get painted.  I say started, because coat #1 made some of the paint underneath crack more, so I then had to patch before I do coat #2 today.

Moving down the hall, the bathroom floor and walls are d.o.n.e.  I'll come clean to you- while I LOVE the tile I used on the kitchen, I am not so enamored with the bathroom floor tile.  It'll look nice once the room is all together, but I won't use it again.  It looks less expensive than it actually cost, and my goal is kind of the reverse.


I believe the contractor is planning to start putting the room back together today.  That'll make me a very happy flipper.  I like when rooms become functional, pretty spaces again.


I do have a feeling the vanity is going to require more plumbing work than the contractor thinks, but lets hope I'm wrong.  The pretty vanity has been patiently sitting in one of the bedrooms awaiting install.


It's totally covered in tile dust currently, but I was able to clean up the old vanity top from the demo'd bathroom and get a pretty, appropriately-sized (very reasonably priced) vanity base for it.

In less photographic progress news:

The contractors have also been plugging away at the basement including jack-hammering an old cement shower pan and more drywall and taping of the walls that are staying.

In addition to more painting (trim, ceilings, ya know, the fun stuff), I also took a heat gun to remove bubbling veneer on the back of the future island that I showed you last week.  Since I'll be painting the piece, I can sand and patch as necessary without worrying about grain not matching.  This piece'll get it's own post/tutorial once more of the house is set.

And now that the contractors are winding down upstairs, I'm gaining space back in the rest of the house and can get back to some bedroom painting this week.  More painting!  Exciting stuff, no?  I'm also working to schedule my electrician so that I can get a jump on this kitchen install!  Is it strange that I want the kitchen to be in because I'm super excited to tile the backsplash?  This backsplash is going to be pretty epic if I do say so myself- just you wait.