January Motivations

Sorry I've been neglecting you this past week.  It was a blur of a week and I've been struggling to get back in the swing of things after the holidays.  I finally took my decorations down over the weekend, though. Today has been 2 years since we moved into our house & organization has been a HUGE challenge in this tiny house.  Some areas function flawlessly while others collect stuff we don't need.  I've actually been spending quite a bit of time in the basement trying to organize my life house from the bottom up.  After pseudo-organizing the basement last winter, it got totally lost again when my parents started prepping for their move.  My basement ended up inheriting more than a few boxes of things saved from my childhood.  Can I interest you in over a dozen original Carebears?  I still am undecided about saving or selling.  But anyway, that's not my point for this post.  I've been spending a bunch of time down there as opposed to tackling some more of the 'pretty' projects on my to do list.  I'll spare you the "unorganized" to "slightly less unorganized" before and afters and wait until I have something a little more glamorous to show.  I have lots of basement ideas- we'll see if I can actually keep up the motivation in the basement long enough to make it happen.

For now, I'll play show and tell with a super cute love birds print that my sister got me from etsy for Christmas. (from here)

love birds print1

It found its place on our dresser.

love birds print 2

Don't you love it?  I know I do.  Thanks Sis!