Getting Shady

Once upon a time I bought a fun lamp at an estate sale.  (Yes, I'm going with a fairy-tale theme today, go with it.  It'll end up being a choose-your-own-adventure...) yellow lamp before

Since "bumble bee" really didn't go with my current decor, I knew it needed to be painted.  At first I was thinking of rub-n-buffing it gold, but after a trial it just wasn't feeling right.  It's actually reading better in the pic than it did in person.  To stick with the fairy-tale thing I apparently started, the slipper didn't fit.

yellow lamp gold

So I tried another color.  And it fit!

yellow lamp white

I really do love the simple white with the fun shape of the lamp base.  Now to figure out the shade.  Here's where you guys come in hopefully, because I can't decide!  I got a cute shade at Lowe's on clearance for $5.  I'm not in love with the pattern, but figured for the price, it was perfect to paint.

Here's where I'm a little stuck and would love your take on it.

Should I paint the shade a solid punch of color? (not necessarily bright green)

shade option 1

Go with a 2-tone?

shade option 2

Or paint the original metal shade a new color to modernize it and banish the rest of the bumble bee effect?

yellow lamp original shade

I'm trying something new here and would love you guys to weigh in with the embedded poll (if you're reading this via e-mail or RSS and the poll isn't showing up, please click through and vote!)

What shade should I go with?
Solid, bright color
2-tone with white band
Paint original shade
Please Specify:

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